There are many ways to make a difference at Barnert Temple. Donating is one way you can show your appreciation and commitment. We have many funds and causes you can support, including our Building Together capital campaign. Explore ways you can donate below.
BARNERT MEMBERS: Please log in to your ShulCloud account BEFORE completing your donation. To log in, click Member Login at the upper right of your screen or the →] icon on your mobile device.
- Select a specific fund/purpose for your donation. - If you don't have a preference, you can select Annual Appeal as an option. - To donate to the Capital Campaign, click the button at the top of this page.
2024-25 Annual Appeal Annual commitments and tuition do not fully cover our operating budget. Your Annual Appeal donation fills the gap and makes possible all that draws you here. Your participation in the Annual Appeal, at a giving level of your choosing, is vitally important to Barnert’s continued success now and in the future.
Building Together Capital Campaign To learn more and make a donation to the Capital Campaign, click here. You will be directed to a dedicated Capital Campaign donation form.
Yahrzeit Donations Remember the yearly anniversary of a loved one’s death by donating to the Yahrzeit Fund. Permanent memorial plaques and weekly Yahrzeit plaques may also be purchased. Contact the office (201) 848-1800 for details.
Oneg Shabbat Sponsors Commemorate any occasion - anniversary, B-Mitzvah, birth, etc. - by sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat. Sponsor names are included in the Friday evening Shabbat service announcements and on the Oneg Sponsor board on display at the Oneg.
Rabbis' Discretionary Funds These funds, managed by Rabbi Steiner and Rabbi Scheffler, are used to defray unbudgeted operating expenses, provide financial assistance to people in need, provide support to other charitable organizations and endeavors that further the Temple’s standing in the community and for any other purpose consistent with the Temple’s mission and purpose. Included in the Rabbis' Discretionary Funds are the Music Fund and the Youth Scholarship Fund, which provides scholarships for Jewish youth programs.
Yozma is a synagogue, community center, day school, early childhood center, and more. Right now, Yozma is supporting:
Note: $100 pays for 1 box of medical supplies for a single soldier
Lifelong Learning Funds These funds support many areas of Barnert Temple’s Lifelong Learning, including: General: Provides the Director of Lifelong Learning discretionary spending for educational support. Adult Learning: Supports Adult Learning at Barnert Temple. Preschool Teacher Appreciation: Provides support for teacher training and development. JJP (Religious School) Teacher Appreciation: Provides support for teacher training and development. Funds also provide scholarships for college-bound madrichim.
Elsie & Howard Kahan Holocaust Memorial Fund* Provides funds for educational purposes relating to the Holocaust in the Congregation, the Temple schools and the local community. * Endowment Fund
Kathie F. Williams TAG Scholarship Fund The fund supports activities that actively engage students and parents in Jewish learning through Torah, Avodah and Gemilut Chasadim and awards annual scholarships to Barnert JJP students.
David Nalven Memorial Youth Education Fund* This fund provides support and resources to facilitate educational activities for Barnert Temple Youth. * Endowment Fund
Gutenstein Youth Community Service Fund Provides funds for support and resources to facilitate post Bar/t Mitzvah students to continue working in community service.
Jed Haubenstock BarTY (Barnert Temple Youth Group) Fund Provides scholarship assistance for regional/national/international youth programs including trips to Israel, and supports programs and activities for the Barnert Temple Youth Group.
Rabbi Martin Freedman URJ Camp Scholarship Fund Provides a scholarship to a four-week Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) summer camp to a qualified Barnert Temple student, who otherwise could not afford to go.
Barnert Garden Fund Provides for materials and labor for an on-site intergenerational, social action community garden where children and adults of all ages may participate.
Barnert Temple Endowment Fund Income from this fund supports the Temple’s general operations.
Helen Lee Caring Community Fund Supports Barnert Temple's Caring Community efforts by providing Temple members with cards, meals, gifts, visits, transportation and general support. This fund provides for those in times of need, as well as those celebrating joyous occasions.
Cemetery Beautification Fund Provides maintenance and beautification of Barnert Temple's cemeteries.
Social Action Fund Helps fund activities and programs to fulfill the Temple’s practice of tikkun olam (repairing the world) by raising awareness, educating our congregation about the issues of social injustice and the environment, both locally and globally, and donating to applicable causes.
Barnert Temple Sisterhood Sisterhood raises significant funds (tzedakah) to support Barnert Temple and charitable causes in the community. They also offer many diverse programs throughout the year that support making connections, education, social action, community building.
Barnert Temple Men's Club The Men's Club provides a way for men to socialize, network and have fun while playing an active and visible role in our activities and support for Israel. They contribute time and raise substantial amounts of money for the Synagogue and social action efforts.
St. Paul's Men's Shelter Meals Barnert Temple members prepare a meal for 30 - 50 men each month at the St. Paul’s Shelter in Paterson. While volunteers often donate items, there are months when we need to purchase food or supplement donations. Your donations will help offset the costs associated with this long-standing tradition between Barnert Temple and the shelter.
President's Discretionary Fund This fund, managed by the current Barnert Temple President, is used to defray unbudgeted operating expenses, provide financial assistance to people in need, provide support to other charitable organizations and endeavors that further the Temple’s standing in the community and for any other purpose consistent with the Temple’s mission and purpose.
Is this gift a tribute? Let us know how you would like it acknowledged.
Tribute Text Examples: - Sara Cohen's Bat Mitzvah - Susan Field's Engagements - The Birthday of my Wife, Shoshana Rosenblum - In Memory of Sam Levin, Father of Paul Levin - My Father's Yahrzeit - The Graduation of Our Daughter, Rachel Goldsmith