COVID-19, Barnert, and You
What to do if you are exposed to COVID-19
What to do if you test positive for COVID-19
Indicates a high level of community transmission risk based on CDC data. Masking indoors is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. |
Indicates a medium level of community transmission risk based on CDC data. Masking indoors is RECOMMENDED. |
Indicates a low level of community transmission risk based on CDC data. Masking indoors is OPTIONAL. |
Masks are optional at services.
There will be a separate section at services for those who prefer a mask-only section.
The Board of Trustees reserves the right to change these policies depending on CDC COVID-19 community levels.
Also, Preschool and JJP families should refer to any school-specific instructions they receive regarding masking.
It has been a long road. COVID-19 is and will continue to be, a part of our everyday lives. While our guiding principle of pikuach nefesh (preserving life) has not changed, we are trying to strike a balance between protecting the health and wellbeing of our community with the need to return to living, gathering, and worshiping in ways that feel “normal.”
We are no longer checking for proof of COVID-19 vaccination. However, we continue to strongly encourage all members of our community to be up to date on their COVID-19 vaccinations. You will also see signs in our atrium and lobby regarding masking recommendations (see sample above). These signs will indicate whether we are in a high, medium, or low level of COVID-19 transmission in our area based on CDC guidelines and will offer guidance on masking when indoors. You will also see a reference to the high, medium, and low status in Barnert’s weekly Shabbat and Sunday emails.